Even though Bhagavad-gita and Srimad Bhagavatam were spoken and recorded in 3,000 B.C., it wasn't until 1965 A.D., 5,000 years later, that these original sastras containing the Yuga Dharma were released from India by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Although there were many earlier translations of these sastras, (over 600 different Bhagavad-gitas), there is no historical evidence of any noticeable impact on modern society and no record of any devotees being made.
The translations were based upon sanskrit grammar and punctuation. The substance, or meaning, could not be deciphered. These translated texts, or verses, may be called sutras, or codes. The translators could not decode or decipher the sanskrit beyond the grammatical meanings and could only interpret through imperfect speculations; they missed the transcendental depth of the meanings that Srila Prabhupada has given.
Bhaktivinode Thakur had previously inaugurated the Hare Krsna Movement, the emblem of that Yuga Dharma, when he sent his "Caitanya--His Life and Precepts" to McGill University, Canada, in 1896. More copies of the sublime volume have been found in other countries, suggesting that the Thakur made an extensive mailing to the major English-speaking universities of his day, including Johns Hopkins and Oxford universities.
From 1914, the year of Bhaktivinode Thakur's disappearance, until 1918, the son of Bhaktivinode, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta, meditated upon how to execute his father's order to go forward and fulfill his premonition that people from all over the world, especially America, would chant and dance at Mayapur. It has been Lord Caitanya's prediction that His Name would be known in every town and village of the world. To this end Srila Bhaktisiddhanta established 64 maths, large and small, mostly in Bengal, with the intention of training up Indians to preach in the West.
So it was at the very first meeting of Abhay Charan De, destined to become his principal disciple, that he admonished the educated young men present to prepare themselves for preaching in English in the West. It was Abhay Charan who would become A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami, the next Srila Prabhupada, and go not only to the English-speaking countries, but to people on every continent, where dozens of different languages were spoken. Who knew? Who could have known all this would happen? But one thing was noteworthy. In 1896, when Srila Prabhupada appeared, there were three giant Vaisnavas already present, namely Gour Kishore das Babji, Bhaktivinode Thakur, and Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati. Bhaktivinode Thakur and Gour Kishore didn't disappear until 1914 and 1915 respectively(the beginning of WW1). By that time Abhay Charan De was approaching his 19th year. These four great personalities being present on Earth simultaneously clearly foretold a spiritual critical mass approaching in Lord Caitanya's world-wide movement.
That critical mass was not to be reached in India, but far away, 10,000 miles away, in "the land of voidism and impersonalism", ruled not by Buddhist or Mayavada philosophy, but by materialistic science and sectarian religion. From childhood, the Americans were taught that asking about the purpose of life was a meaningless question, and that there was no proof of life after death or advanced life on other planets. They were taught that nature was running automatically, following laws that somehow evolved. The theory of evolution was taught in the schools as a law of nature. Those who believed in God had such a vague idea that love of God remained theoretical and the practices remained ritualistic. Many thought that reaching their heaven was guaranteed even if they remained sinful. It would take many pages to describe the complex society that awaited Srila Prabhupada's arrival, but it was basically a frustrating time of "perhaps, maybe" futuristic science and the philosophy of life: "eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we may die".
That critical mass was reached in 1966, when Srila Prabhupada, then Swamiji, opened the door of his little rented storefront. At that moment the transcendental plane, like a bolt of lightning, intersected the mundane plane, igniting a chain reaction that continues around the world, burning to ashes the most cherished illusions of conditioned souls.
(Continued below)
In 1896, when Srila Prabhupada appeared, there were three giant Vaisnavas already present, namely Gour Kishore das Babji, Bhaktivinode Thakur, and Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati.
These four great personalities being present on Earth simultaneously clearly foretold a spiritual critical mass approaching in Lord Caitanya's world-wide movement.
... in 1966, when Srila Prabhupada, then Swamiji, opened the door of his little rented storefront. ... the transcendental plane, like a bolt of lightning, intersected the mundane plane, igniting a chain reaction that continues around the world, burning to ashes the most cherished illusions of conditioned souls.
Comprehending how Srila Prabhupada acquired the benediction of spiritual potency he carried with him to America requires some historical review. Srila Prabhupada once explained that Lord Caitanya picked Srila Rupa Goswami because he was qualified to bear the burden of responsibility of teaching the science of devotional service. He was fit. "Nana-sastra-vicaranaika-nilpunau sad-dharma-samsthapakau", the Goswamis, led by Rupa Goswami, scrutinizingly studied the Vedic literatures to extract the essence of "Krsna Bhakti rasabhavamrta", translated by Srila Prabhupada in his Nectar of Devotion as "Krsna consciousness". In his turn, Srila Prabhupada studied the Six Goswamis and previous Acaryas, compiled the realizations of these great souls and included them in purports along with his own infallible wisdom - all in a way just suitable for the understanding of modern man.
The magnitude of Srila Prabhupada's accomplishment must be viewed on the cosmic scale. Lord Krsna appears once only in a day of Lord Brahma, of 4,320,000 x 1,000 solar years, a period of time beyond human imagination. Although there are many hundreds of thousands of planets in this middle planetary system, Earth is the planet where Lord Krsna Himself appears to display His eternal pastimes, not elsewhere. 4,320,000 solar years equals one cycle of four yugas, and in each yuga there appears a Yuga Avatar to teach the Yuga Dharma. The Yuga Avatar is white in Satya, red in Treta, syama(dark blue) in Dwapara and blackish in Kali. The Kali-yuga Avatar is usually blackish, "but in special cases pita(yellow) as Caitanya Mahaprabhu in the Kali-yuga (Caitanya-caritamrta Madhya 20.246 purport).
Out of the four bonafide Vaisnava Sampradayas, Lord Caitanya chose to appear in the Brahma-Madhva Sampradaya. Why He did so can be surmised from the following explanations in Caitanya-caritamrta:
" Srila Bhaktisiddhanta remarks that in the disciplic succession of Madhvacarya - up to the advent of His Holiness Sripada Laksmipati Tirtha - only Lord Krsna was worshipped. After Srila Madhavendra Puri worship of both Radha and Krsna was established. For this reason, Sri Madhavendra Puri is accepted as the root of worship in ecstatic love. Unless one is connected to the disciplic succession of Madhavendra Puri, there is no possibility of awakening the symptoms of ecstatic love." (Caitanya-caritamrta Madhya 9.289 purport) "The process of worship in the disciplic succession of Madhavendra Puri was full of ritualistic ceremonies, with hardly a sign of love of Godhead; Sri Madhavendra Puri was the first person in the disciplic succession to exhibit symptoms of love of Godhead." (Caitanya-caritamrta Adi 9.10 purport)
"Out of four sampradayas, Sri Madhva Sampradaya was accepted by Madhavendra Puri. Beginning from Madhavendra down to the spiritual master of Madhavendra Puri... there was no realization of devotional service in conjugal love. Sri Madhavendra Puri introduced the conception of conjugal love for the first time in the Madhavacarya Sampradaya..." (Caitanya-caritamrta Madhya 4.197 purport)
Now according to the symptoms of Kali-yuga described in the Srimad Bhagavatam, things are degrading very quickly, considering only 5,000 years have passed out of 432,000 total. Sixty or seventy years ago abortion was criminal, rape was a capital offense, gambling was restricted to special locations, pornography and cursing in the media was forbidden and strictly monitored by government agencies, child abuse was rarely in the news, and "serial killers", "home invasions", and organized international terrorism were rarely or never heard of. Could it be that Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu's appearance in this particular Kali-yuga signals it to be especially pernicious? Winter is winter, but sometimes winters are severe.
Be that as it may, still we are most fortunate to be here now, so close in time to Lord Krsna and Lord Caitanya's appearances. Close enough to guarantee that Their spoken words and pastimes would be passed on in our disciplic succession without change in meaning, as epitomized by Srila Prabhupada's teachings. After all, there are innumerable living entities, spirit-souls, persons like us, but in different dresses all around us, yet we find ourselves in human form, born at the right time and in the right place to obtain Srila Prabhupada's mercy. Our reciprocation, our mission, is simple: pass it on as it is. Srila Prabhupada said, "I am the tenth Acarya in line from Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu and you are next."
Although not officially accepted by other Vaisnava sampradayas, Lord Caitanya is confirmed as "Krsna-varnam", the same category or division as Krsna Himself (Srimad Bhagavatam 11.5.32). Lord Caitanya's characteristic and mission is confirmed in numerous sastras, including the Arthava Veda, Sama Veda, Mundaka Upanisad, Garuda Purana, Nrisimha Purana, Ananta-samhita, Brahmayama, Kulanava Tantra, et al. For example, in the Devi Purana it is said: "The Supreme Personality will appear again in this world. His name will be Krsna Caitanya and He will spread the chanting of the Lord's holy names." And in the Padma Purana it is stated, "In the 1st Sandhya of Kaliyuga I will appear on Earth in a beautiful place by Ganges' shores. I will be the son of Saci-devi and My complexion will be golden."
(Cont. below)
Lord Krsna appears once only in a day of Lord Brahma, of 4,320,000 x 1,000 solar years, a period of time beyond human imagination.
The magnitude of Srila Prabhupada's accomplishment must be viewed on the cosmic scale.
Srila Prabhupada said, "I am the tenth Acarya in line from Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu and you are next."
...in the Padma Purana it is stated, "In the 1st Sandhya of Kaliyuga I will appear on Earth in a beautiful place by Ganges' shores. I will be the son of Saci-devi and My complexion will be golden."(Srila Prabhupada)
...by appearing in the Brahma-Madhava Sampradaya, teaching and demonstrating the highest conceptions of God and love of God, Lord Krsna Caitanya, the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself, made the succeeding Acaryas in that line the highest authorities on the Science of God.
So by appearing in the Brahma-Madhava Sampradaya, teaching and demonstrating the highest conceptions of God and love of God, Lord Krsna Caitanya, the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself, made the succeeding Acaryas in that line the highest authorities on the Science of God. As Srila Prabhupada remarked about Lord Krsna's Gita, "Nobody can explain God better than God Himself." The same holds true for Lord Caitanya's instructions as recorded by His exalted followers such as the Six Goswamis and Krsnadas Kaviraj and perfectly translated and explained by Srila Prabhupada.
The Gaudiya Vaisnava Sampradaya, therefore, presents the summum bonum, the ultimate siddhanta and realization of the Absolute Personality of Godhead - beyond that of other sampradayas, what to speak of sectarian religions of the day - as exemplified by the concept of "inconceivably simultaneously one and different". Because Srila Prabhupada became the topmosts preacher in the sampradaya in which Caitanya Mahaprabhu taught, he is qualified as the Acarya of all Vaisnavas in whichever sampradaya or community they may be. There is simply no higher Vaisnava siddhanta than Srila Prabhupada has already preached around the world, purporting exactly what Lord Caitanya and the Goswamis taught without changing the meaning at all. Therefore, Srila Prabhupada is everyone's Acarya, a true universal Acarya, and actually the World Acarya -- beyond any doubt.
This Krishna consciousness is not sectarian. It is factual. Lord Caitanya appeared in this sampradaya, now the Gaudiaya Vaisnava Sampradaya, to preach acyintya beda beda tattva, which is the peak understanding of the relationship of the individual spirit soul with the Supreme Spirit Soul, Krishna. Srila Prabhupada appeared to take this gift of the highest knowledge from Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu all around the world.
Bhaktisiddhanta Thakur and Bhaktivinode Thakur are also World Acaryas, teachers of everyone. But it is through Srila Prabhupada that these greatest of souls have acted in a missionary spirit, that same missionary spirit of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. They are teaching through Srila Prabhupada, their perfect transparent medium, and they must be understood through him, not directly. That is the meaning of parampara, one cannot jump over to a previous Acarya for understanding.
For example, when asked whether his disciples could translate and publish the writings of other previous Acaryas after his disappearance, Srila Prabhupada replied, "A realized soul, must be. Otherwise, simply imitating A-B-C-D will not help. My purports are liked by people because it is presented as practical experience... Our translation must be document. They are not ordinary... One cannot become unless one is very realized. It is not A-B-C-D translation." (May 28, 1977, Vrindavan). In other words, Srila Prabhupada is giving permission for a disciple who has first fully realized his teachings, not simply theoretically or grammatically. Such a fully realized soul would be competent to translate previous Acaryas.
Recent history has demonstrated Srila Prabhupada to be by far the greatest exponent of Lord Caitanya's teachings, who freed them, and carried them from the Indian sub-continent to the rest of the world. It is said that Nityananda Prabhu plundered the storehouse of love of God when preaching in Bengal by the order of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. 477 years later, Srila Prabhupada again plundered that storehouse, and carried it around the rest of the world, only to return with the treasure to India to distribute it once again! These feats are impossible to duplicate. They have already changed the course of history.
In 1972, Sridham Mayapur, after a morning lecture, all the assembled devotees were paying their obeisances to Srila Prabhupada. One old Bengali gentleman stood up, and leaning on his cane he spoke up loudly, "Save the whole world Prabhupada. Prabhupada save the whole world!" Yes! And in due time, people will understand the true meaning of "Prabhupada" - the Master (Prabhu) at whose lotus feet (pada) all others pay their obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada...!
by Rupanuga das ACBSP
"The World Acarya"
Aug 21, 2021
"Nobody can explain God better than God Himself." (Srila Prabhupada) "
The Gaudiya Vaisnava Sampradaya, therefore, presents the summum bonum, the ultimate siddhanta and realization of the Absolute Personality of Godhead ...
There is simply no higher Vaisnava siddhanta than Srila Prabhupada has already preached around the world, purporting exactly what Lord Caitanya and the Goswamis taught without changing the meaning at all.
Srila Prabhupada is everyone's Acarya, a true universal Acarya, and actually the World Acarya -- beyond any doubt.
Lord Caitanya appeared... to preach acyintya beda beda tattva, which is the peak understanding of the relationship of the individual spirit soul with the Supreme Spirit Soul, Krishna. Srila Prabhupada appeared to take this gift of the highest knowledge from Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu all around the world.
...Nityananda Prabhu plundered the storehouse of love of God when preaching in Bengal by the order of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. 477 years later, Srila Prabhupada again plundered that storehouse...
What were Srila Prabhupada's instructions on association with the Gaudiya Math?
What about Srila Prabhupada's famous letter to about his Godbrothers? What was Srila Prabhupada conclusion? Why did Srila Prabhupada write it?
What's the difference between Srila Prabhupada-vani and Srila Prabhupada-vapu?
What is our obligation to Srila Prabhupada and how do we fulfill it?
How can we push forward Srila Prabhupada's mission?
What is meant by 'Perfection At Home'?
According to Srila Prabhupada-vani, "At present, this world is being managed by the Raksasas. The Raksasas are man-eaters who eat their own sons (p.41/or44--ch.4, Raja-Vidya)" and "At present, especially on this planet earth, the influence of Lord Brahma has decreased considerably and the representatives of Hiranyakasipu -- the Raksasas and demons -- have taken charge. Therefore there is no protection of brahminical culture and cows, which are the basic prerequisites for all kinds of good fortune. This age is very dangerous because society is being managed by demons and Raksasas." (SB 7.3.13, end of purport)
Having read a popular "underground" book, years earlier in college student days, entitled "None Dare Call It Conspiracy", which in essence indicated that the world was being controlled and manipulated by a few extremely wealthy and powerful families, and having later read the above quote in Srila Prabhupada's Raja-vidya, two devotees approached Srila Prabhupada (circa 1974) at his quarters in Mayapur Dham. Some of the names mentioned in "None Dare Call It Conspiracy" were still very much influential in the world, and he was asked if these were the Raksasas he was referring to? Srila Prabhupada replied, "Yes."
Then the devotees asked him how to deal with them. Srila Prabhupada said, "Preach to them." He could see, however, that the devotees were nonplussed, so he said, "Anyway, the power is in the people." The real power in the people is their dormant Krishna Consciousness. And only devotees know how to elicit that.
These Raksasas are not passive. Their well-evolved matrix, a massive control infrastructure, covers the whole planet and their minions are involved in every aspect of modern societies and nations, including political, scientific, legal, educational, economic, military, etc. --endeavors all around the world--an international 'very deep' state. Absolute control, mastership, over whatever they survey, is always the goal of Raksasa agenda, at any cost, and their seemingly unlimited financial strength is a means to that end. "Now great regimes have been created to smash so many people for the satisfaction of the Raksasa's senses (p.41, or 44 in some books)." And this smashing is coming in so many ways besides war, and it will also end in war, as described below, because the killing fields are going on and on. The current global chaos is being revealed, or unfolded, as an epic story of karma and the laws of material nature.
Since the time of Lord Buddha 2600 years ago, who appeared primarily to stop cow killing (ahimsa), in an India much greater in size than today, those slaughterhouses have now covered the globe. In addition, facilities have been constructed for billions of innocent land animals and sea creatures to be slaughtered annually. Over the centuries, the world has become a 'killing field'. The free-will of human beings has brought all this about simply for the satisfaction of the human tongue. The propaganda that one must eat meat or flesh, including fish and eggs, in order to be strong and healthy, is contradicted by nature. The strongest animals on earth, namely the gorilla, the elephant, the hippopotamus and the giraffe are all vegetarians. One video has shown a demonstration of a giraffe easily kicking a pursuing lion high into the air! See below another video of a giraffe defeating a lion.
The killing field includes human abortions. It may be uncertain which of the many human abortions are abortions of those who themselves caused abortions in the past, like parents or surgeons, who are getting their just karma. But whether they are or not, Srila, Srila Prabhupada comments (L.A., 5/26/72 lecture on SB): "...that one chance given that it will get a body and come out, and may be able to come to Krishna consciousness, that opportunity is lost...he's being killed within the womb." Undoubtedly, much karma is coming upon the people of the world for the millions upon millions of abortions, year after year.
Another thing is certain: the dairy cows and all the other animals and sea creatures being slaughtered every moment are innocent! It is not their karma. Dairy cows are meant to take birth in their next life as human beings in the mode of goodness. In the Vedic culture, the cow and bull are considered one's mother and father. In this context, Lord Chaitanya criticized the Kazi, "What is this religion that allows killing of the father and mother?" In a real sense, is not killing and eating such a father and mother another kind of cannibalism?
So much free-will killing of children and innocent creatures has not been sanctioned, what to speak of the many offenses to mother nature, in the name of progress and industrialization? It's OVER. The karmic pay-back is here. The modes of material nature rule, and "As ye sow, so shall ye reap."
Devotees are in the karma and vikarma world, but not of it. During a lecture in Hawaii, 1/23/74, SB 11.16.26-30, Srila Prabhupada explained, "Trying to avoid offenses, that is namabhas. Namabhas means not actually pure name, but almost pure...In namabhas stage, not pure, marginal, between pure and offensive, there is mukti, you become 'mukta', liberated from material bondage." This means beyond the control of the laws of karma which control the general population and pseudo devotees.
He goes on to explain that such a sincere chanter, although sometimes a little mechanical, by force, still he is not showbottle. This means that such a devotee is beyond the pale of the present karmic interactions, actors and demands. The devotee must use intelligence regarding such things as one's own health, as Srila Prabhupada once said, "The duration of life is our most precious possession."
Since Raksasas are in control according to Srila Prabhupada, therefore, anything being promoted by those in charge of communications or programs as being for the greater good, well-being, or benefit of anyone should simply be seen as the opposite of truth. The Raksasas identified by His Divine Grace are cannibals eating their own sons, and doubtless the sons of others when they ran out of their own. Policies implemented by these predators and their followers should be ignored as conspiracies, and circumvented.
Research into the truth or falsity of circumstances, like that recently surrounding Covid-19, must lead to exposure of the sinister agenda of the Raksasas. In other words, if the sinister agenda of the Raksasa's operating principle is behind everything -- according to Srila Prabhupada -- then the world-wide implementation of things like inoculations is sinister, since nothing so extensive could be beyond the Raksasa's control. Common sense. Therefore, devotees are beyond any proposed universal obligation to accept inoculations, or any other demands from the authorities. Never mind the claims of politicians and professionals who insist otherwise, because they are leaders following the Raksasa agenda and blind to the messages of Srila Prabhupada, which are intended for everyone's benefit. And devotees who advise against this explanation of the reality should be avoided.
The Raksasas and their minions believe they are in control, but actually they themselves are under the control of the modes of material nature. They are behaving as expected, and simultaneously acting as delivery systems for global karma for the killing fields. In effect, there is a cleansing process going on world-wide to prepare or clear the path for Lord Caitanya's Movement, an imminent spiritual revolution, in this year of 537 Gaurabda, the Golden Age. At the same time, there is a "boiling of the milk" going forward within that Movement, a boiling which Srila Prabhupada began prior to his disappearance. Because the slaughterhouses remain open, the cleansing and "culling" of the general populace will continue. The "boiling of the milk" within the Movement will also continue as needed. Hare Krishna. All glories to Srila Prabhupada, the World Acarya!
Rupanuga das ACBSP '66
"At present, this world is being managed by the Raksasas. The Raksasas are man-eaters who eat their own sons (p.41/or44--ch.4, Raja-Vidhya)"
The propaganda that one must eat meat or flesh, including fish and eggs, in order to be strong and healthy, is contradicted by nature. The strongest animals on earth, namely the gorilla, the elephant, the hippopotamus and the giraffe are all vegetarians . One video has shown a demonstration of a giraffe easily kicking a pursuing lion high into the air!
Since Raksasas are in control according to Srila Prabhupada, therefore, anything being promoted by those in charge of communications or programs as being for the greater good, well-being, or benefit of anyone should simply be seen as the opposite of truth.
The Raksasas and their minions believe they are in control, but actually they themselves are under the control of the modes of material nature. They are behaving as expected, and simultaneously acting as delivery systems for global karma for the killing fields.
It's OVER. The karmic pay-back is here. The modes of material nature rule, and "As ye sow, so shall ye reap."
The propaganda that one must eat meat or flesh, including fish and eggs, in order to be strong and healthy, is contradicted by nature. The strongest animals on earth, namely the gorilla, the elephant, the hippopotamus and the giraffe are all vegetarians . One video has shown a demonstration of a giraffe easily kicking a pursuing lion high into the air!
Watch these lions try to defeat this giraffe.
Yuga Dharma for this age -- Lord Caitanya's Sankirtan Movement. Lord Caitanya's emmisary, Srila Prabhupada, brought it out of India for the first time. plundering the storehouse of love of Godhead and distributing it freely, causing the stores of love to increase unlimitedly.
Pt 2 and 3 on the way.
"They don't love him enough."
video to come
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